About Dosco Jones
To my closest Friends and Acquaintances:
I’m proud to share with you something that will make you feel warm inside.
Probably, these are most confortable boxers in the world. Made for all the blokes who are packing.
Ever so snug around the crotch, they reduce up to 90% the need to scratch your balls.
This boxer brief features an interior pouch that isolates and supports your package, offering secure fit and supreme comfort.
No Adjusting. No Sweating. No Rubbing. No Chafing.
Be sharp, order your pack now.
Fit for real, man!
Dosco Jones
Dosco Jones Founders are Frederico & Guilherme. You can find us at fbarreto@doscojones.org and gbarreto@doscojones.org
Reach us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doscojonesmen/